Sunday, May 1, 2011

RMS: Rwenzori Moving School

Rwenzori Mission School is our peaceful little school up the hill from the river nestled among the plumeria and and hibiscus. Over the past six months our little mission school has been on the move. I have wonderful flexible students that are able to do school just about anywhere. So I pack my little back of school supplies and books and can set up school in many locations.

So far we have had school in Kampala on the couch cushions of our hotel.

When spent a few days in Fort Portal, Lilli and I marched through the tea fields counting by twos as we went. And had our traditional “Tuesday Tea” actually in a tea field.

Near Kassese we had school over looking the African Savannah.

Lilli read her, I Can Read It book in Hoima. We were visiting the family of Edward Isingoma, our new headmaster at Christ School.

And I have to say one of the best field trips ever in Murchinson National Park where cape buffalo and warthogs ran through our camp. We witnessed the incredible power or Murchison falls as gallons and gallons of fast moving water from the Nile were funneled into a very small opening. We enjoyed the beauty and majesty of creation as we watched the graceful trotting of giraffes, sunbathing crocodiles, snorting hippos, powerful lumbering of the elephants, and the leaping almost flying antelope. Some things just can’t be learned in books... And Rwenzori Moving School is just the place for that to happen!


  1. Sounds like the most amazing field trips and school ever! What a wonderful way to learn.

  2. Oh, how I would love to be 7 years old and your student! Your curriculum is heavenly. Judy in HMB
