The Ugandan school year is about to end in about a month. Students start exams tomorrow. Pat told me yesterday that Ugandans LOVE to get cards. Taking her advice I decided to write cards to the 17 kids in the Christ School scholarship program that are either taking exams to graduate from secondary school as senior 6s or complete Ordinary level schooling as senior 4s. I first rummaged through the piles of old stationary in our office, sifting through Christmas cards, birthday cards, blank cards and lot of stuck together envelopes. I hit the jackpot with some Max Lucado Day Spring cards with just great messages. But there were not enough. I sought the advice of Pat again who told me where I could get them in the market.
Just inside the main walls to there left, before you get to the beans and rice and hanging cow legs, there is a little duka. There I found strings hung up where cards and nicknacks were hung. Pat warmed me about the cheesiness, but she said the cheesier the better by Ugandan standards. I can tell you one thing I wasn’t expecting the pop-up flowers and music playing cards... grant it, the music sounded more like a cross between an annoying child’s toy and a high pitched alarm clock. I was happy to purchase the ones without music for 500 shillings (25 cents) less. So I made my choices and ended up buying about every card the guy had hanging. And came home with some real winners. Chrissy and I had a good chuckle at some of these... just too good not to share, so here are a few excerpts:
“Examination is always a testing time” (literally) :-)
“For you’re special, I remember you as you sit for your Exams, let nothing shake your confidence or flatter your knowledge. For i believe you can make it. And a bright life lies ahead. That is why i wish you the best in your exams. ‘With God everything is possible”
“Time to reap ‘what you sow’ has finally come. May the almighty shower your toils with his unending blessings to culminate in a blossoming excellence. Finally, upon your emerging a victor, you will not only be happy alone but we’ll also be more than jubilant. All the best.”
“Just to say that you have intelligence and you are good in your studies....... Now all you need is best wishes to pass these exams with flying colours Best wishes.”
And my personal favorite line... “May God bless the work of your brains”
Hope you enjoyed these bits of Ugandan color :-) And do PRAY for the kids as they are studying hard and testing all next week. It is a big deal, determining if they will be able to continue schooling. Pray for hope no matter what happens and that these kids without parents would know a heavenly Father who loves them and has GOOD plans for their lives, whether they pass or fail exams.
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